Meet Artist Sally Jacobs

Sally's Story

Image of Sally Jacobs and her dog, Pacer


Sally Jacobs is a painter. She gained a passion for art from her grandmother, who was also a painter. Her grandmother painted alongside Sally when Sally was a child. The generational influence had an impact; Sally went on to earn her MFA in painting and her work is now collected by many. She is associated with Prince Street Gallery in the Chelsea Arts District of New York City. 

 Sally Painting


There's no doubt about the generational influence that Sally now passes to her son, George. Together they have explored art, traveling to imagined worlds near and far. Her son has been her art partner and muse. This child-and-mom relationship was explored in Sally's Motherhood Series


Son Painting
Son and Mom giving High Five


Sally's Tennessee walking horse, Massimo, is the zen in her day. While trotting along the trails, Sally encounters the sublime, the grandness of nature's soul, and the found spaces in a world that inspires her art.

Sally with Massimo  Sally Riding Massimo


Sally grew intellectually and spiritually after spending ten years in Florence, Italy, where she studied painting and culture. She discovered her spiritual side of painting during visits to historical sites. One of her favorite hang out spots was in the Capponi Chapel at the Church of Santa Felicita in Florence, where she would sit for hours and admire the Deposition from the Cross by Pontormo. After returning to the United States, this spiritual side of art inspired her to study egg tempera painting at the Prosopon School of Iconography with the renown Russian iconographer Vladislav Andrejev  (Learn more about Egg Tempera painting). Sally's first icon painting was of Archangel Michael.



Since studying icons, Sally has continued to explore the dynamic use of egg tempera. She loves the graininess of the earthy pigments and how these organic pigments spread and absorb on the clay board foundation. What makes her reproduction prints so unique is the special egg tempera medium she uses to create the original paintings. The magical textures that occur in the original work is revealed in the reproduction through high quality photographing and in the printing process. An additional benefit to reproducing the work was the ability to offer large scale prints which provide microscopic details of the grain and pigment particles. As Sally stated,"These prints become uniquely their own. They take on new possibilities with each change in scale. Opening up an entirely new experience." 


Sally Hanging Artwork on Her Wall



Sally appreciates the joy people have shown in her art over the years. She is always humbled to know that her art finds new homes and can be shared with many. 


Sally's Studio